Cea mai bună furnizor pentru acord de subcontractare

Slovacia, Šturovo
...Cip Comp Slovakia caută parteneri în baza unui acord de fabricație și/sau subcontractare. Oferim servicii de asamblare unică și multi-pas pentru produse și componente mecanice, de cablu sau electrice. Oferim o gamă de capacități de asamblare utilizând unelte de precizie și verificări de control al calității. Serviciile de asamblare selectate includ, dar nu se limitează la, asamblarea pieselor...

Produse pentru acord de subcontractare (13)

Interpretarea comitetelor de grup - Interpretarea comitetelor de grup

Interpretarea comitetelor de grup - Interpretarea comitetelor de grup

Le dialogue social au sein d’une entreprise ayant des filiales hors de France – et donc des salariés de nationalités différentes – est un exercice de communication délicat. La négociation au sein d’un CGE nécessite la mise en place d’un véritable partenariat linguistique, domaine dans lequel Alto International possède une longue expérience. Nos interprètes, traducteurs et techniciens assurent l’organisation complexe de ces événements et garantissent la régularité et la fluidité des échanges entre les différents acteurs, de la Direction aux salariés.
Rezolvarea Conflictelor

Rezolvarea Conflictelor

Probleme erkennen bevor sie entstehen und Konflikte lösen um das Ziel zu erreichen Projekte verfolgen oft unterschiedliche Interessen. Während eines Bauvorhabens sind neben Auftraggebern oder Bauherrn auch Herstellerfirmen, Baufirmen, Planer und Behörden mit Ihren Vorschlägen und Anforderungen beteiligt. Durch eine neutrale und unabhängige fachliche Betrachtung können die Ziele und unterschiedlichen Ansätze zusammengefasst und gemeinsame wirtschaftliche Lösungen erarbeitet werden; auch schon bevor es zu Spannungsverhältnissen kommt.
Interpretare Simultană

Interpretare Simultană

Simultaneous interpretation is a mode of interpreting in which an interpreter translates the message from the source language to the target language in real-time. Used at conferences, large events and meetings. Interpreters work in a team in a sound-proof booth, speak into a microphone, while clearly seeing and hearing speakers. The simultaneous interpretation is rendered to the listeners via their earphones. We strive for perfection of Professionalism and Quality since 1992. Multilevel control over the quality of translation. Business process management provides for step-by-step multilevel filtration of the project materials. It ensures the highest quality of translations.


Beratung nach den gültigen Normen Gerne beraten wir Sie nach den entsprechenden gültigen Normen der Maschinenrichtlinien. Alle qualitativ hochwertigen AnVa Schutzzäune zeichnen sich durch einfache Montage u. variablen Ausführungen aus. Und das Gemäß nach der Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42/EG. Fragen Sie uns einfach an.
CMO externalizat

CMO externalizat

La solution pour structurer votre marketing, sans les coûts fixes ! Stratégie, déploiement opérationnel, et résultats concrets. Nous sommes votre directeur marketing externalisé, adapté à vos besoins.
Arbitraj - arbitru, judecător

Arbitraj - arbitru, judecător

​ Arbitration in Turkey became a very important dispute resolution tool and is growing day by day. In today’s conditions, a lot of clients see arbitration as quick, easy and trustable way of resolving disagreements. Without an expert lawyer team, arbitration cannot be fully accomplished due to its complex procedures. Agathor’s contracted lawyer team includes numerous arbitration specialists from multiple authorities. Our team members are eligible to work in all major European and international administrations. Agathor, with its strong expertise and reputation, counsels governments, global companies, financial institutions as well as foreign investors in this field
Declarație de Patrimoniu

Declarație de Patrimoniu

Vous souhaitez être accompagné par un professionnel indépendant afin de : Vous constituer un patrimoine ; Définir une stratégie d’investissement ; Diversifier votre patrimoine ; Préparer votre succession. Vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence d’un investissement, ses conséquences financières et fiscales. Vous recherchez un partenaire réactif capable de répondre à vos interrogations en toute objectivité.
Documente corporative și notariale

Documente corporative și notariale

Contratti, statuti, atti costitutivi, procure, ecc.
Faliment, insolvență și restructurare

Faliment, insolvență și restructurare

O2 Consulting provides legal support in bankruptcy, on the side of any participant and across all stages. Not only do we provide legal assistance during arbitral proceedings as such, we undertake to fulfil any incidental tasks, including ones related to the reorganisation process and contesting transfer of the debtor’s assets prior to commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings. We represent clients’ interests in reorganisation transactions related to insolvency and bankruptcy, not only in Russia but also in other jurisdictions. In this case, we undertake to resolve all matters pertaining to co-ordinations with our partner law firms practising in relevant jurisdictions. We also provide assistance to our clients who wish to enter into a transaction with a financially distressed company, structuring the transaction in a way that mitigates the risks related to this company’s future insolvency or bankruptcy. We provide legal support to our clients in transactions with...
Programare NC

Programare NC

Alles aus einer Hand und Aufeinander Abgestimmt. Vom Gussteil über den mechanischen Bearbeitungsprozess bis zum Fertig bearbeiteten Bauteil inkl. MFU Unsere Serienprozessunterstützungen beinhalten folgende Bestandteile: - Projektierung - Bearbeitungswerkzeuge Auslegung - Spannvorrichtung Konzepterarbeitung/ Konstruktion/ Anfertigung - NC Serienprogrammerstellung, wenn gewüscht inkl. Vorort NC-Programm Inbetriebnahme, MFU - Anwendungstechnik, Prozessoptimierung, Taktzeitoptimierung - Automatisierung, Prüf- und Sonderanlagenbau
Documentație Tehnică

Documentație Tehnică

Technische Dokumentation (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch) in Feldern der Elektrotechnik und des Maschinenbaus, insbesondere in den Bereichen - Elektrische Energietechnik, - Elektrische Nachrichtentechnik, - Elektrische Schalt- und Steuerungstechnik, - CNC-Werkzeugmaschinen
Operațiune de Desmembrământ

Operațiune de Desmembrământ

Vous souhaitez être accompagné par un professionnel indépendant afin de : Vous constituer un patrimoine ; Définir une stratégie d’investissement ; Diversifier votre patrimoine ; Préparer votre succession. Vous vous interrogez sur la pertinence d’un investissement, ses conséquences financières et fiscales. Vous recherchez un partenaire réactif capable de répondre à vos interrogations en toute objectivité.
Proprietate Intelectuală

Proprietate Intelectuală

We provide our clients IP project support in various areas: protection, registration, transfer of IP, use of intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trade marks and inventions. We have vast experience of working with clients operating in innovative IT development areas. We understand all aspects of business protection in terms of commercial secrecy and the nuances of securing title to privately developed software. We also perform due diligence of IP, prepare a contractual framework of any complexity under Russian and foreign law (including franchising agreements, licence agreements and contracts with developers), provide support in negotiations and disputes, and advise on regulatory matters. Our ability to pool the best specialists from various practice areas on project teams provides our clients with integrated IP solutions under the laws of various jurisdictions, with optimal regulatory and tax arrangements and taking into account the specific nature of the given...